Portofolio Desain Logo Motif Bunga Matahari di DesignContest


This is my logo design portfolio designcontest, you can see it and if interested in the design made ​​by me, please contact me via email. Thank you.

Project Upload : 16 Februari 2013
Status : Not Won
This my Logo Design Portofolio in Design Contest, 

Thanks for View my Portofolio 
By Raja Merak

Orang yang menghargai karya orang lain, ia pasti akan jauh lebih dihargai.
Orang yang tidak bisa menghargai karya orang lain, tentu karyanya juga tidak akan pernah dihargai dengan tulus!.
People who appreciate the work of others, he would be much appreciated.
People who can not appreciate the work of others, of course, his work also will never be sincerely appreciated!.
Logo ini akhirnya saya gunakan untuk Situs Internasional RahmanCyber NET di MYSHORTTIPS.COM