Portofolio Footage : Di Pinggiran Masjid dekat Alun Alun Kota Batu Jawa Timur

#Stock #Video yang di ambil ketika Pariwisata di #JawaTimur.
Video ini merupakan gambaran ketika berada di sekitaran Alun Alun #KotaWisataBatu Jawa Timur, tepat di pinggir Masjid Agung juga. All Footage here, it's original resource from R4CProject Team. We Share this for All Youtuber in the world.
Enjoy ^_^.

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 • Licence: You’re free to use this video in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste): Footage Videos by R4CProject https://r4cproject.rahmancyber.net